Sunday, December 4, 2011

An Experiment

I have been separated from my husband for a little over a year. My kids are out of the house since June of 2010. I am on my own. I want to see what it is like to travel by myself.

I would love to be able to meet new people, explore New York, but I don't really know if I can. Well, of course I can, I mean if I will choose to.

I am leaving on Friday afternoon and returning a week later. I will be in Connecticut for 2 days and New York for 3 days. Then a day before and after in San Francisco. Molly will play two game there so I will have a touch point, but I will not spend time with the team or stay in the same location.

I do have a ticket to Lion King on Broadway. This will definitely be a great event.

I hope to post at least once a day, maybe twice.

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